
Game chairs or office chairs?

Started by July 22, 2024 01:56 PM
3 comments, last by Tom Sloper 7 months ago

I have been wondering whether to invest in a gaming chair for when I am programming.

Forums such as this one:​​ state that gaming chairs are perfect for programming due to them being made for long hours of sitting, however, there are mixed answers saying ergonomic chairs are just as good. My current chair is this one:​ is it worth investing in a gaming chair, or is everyone else's chair set up similar to that?

If gaming chairs are recommended, any brands that people like and recommend would be great!

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There is no universal best chair.

Every body is different. A chair that works well for one body may not work well for another body. One person may be more comfortable in one position where another is less comfortable. Every desk setup is different. Even if two people have very similar bodies, one desk may be higher or lower, one may prefer one layout versus another.

Programmers sit an awful lot, so yes good ergonomics are important. Everything from your head looking at a good angle, neck being upright, all the way down to your feet on the floor, especially blood circulation in your legs and blood clots potentially forming in your legs or rump, all of them matter. Same with your arms and posture at the desk, slumped shoulders or back, twisting to one side or the other even in small ways, they can damage the body over the years.

Also it often isn't finding ONE chair, but finding several chairs and switching them up occasionally.


In our office, the new “chair” is not having one, and instead standing at the table (with the table at an appropriate height of course). I haven't tried it yet, but it looks inviting 🙂

While I still use a professional office chair, I do try to get up often. Just walking slowly while thinking, get a coffee or a snack, chat with a colleague, get lunch, eat lunch, etc.

I wonder what the differences are actually, I can't really think what should be different in a chair for gaming versus a chair for screen work in an office. As such, I am not aware of any significant difference between the two.

In all, I think having a really good chair is a good investment no matter what. For the longer term however, I'd say don't get too comfy in that chair, getting up and moving around even for a few minutes is good too.

annabelleme said:

Forums such as this one:​

Quora says "Page Not Found | We searched everywhere but couldn't find the page you were looking for." Wonder why.

-- Tom Sloper --

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