Most certainly! Don't be afraid, as long as you have the desire and perseverance to push thru with the research, trial and error and keep yourself motivated you will make it 🙂
Like you, I didn't know too much about making a game or even exactly what I wanted to make at first. I started learning Unreal Engine in 2022 with youtube, epic games tutorials, and by trial n error experimenting…this was the path I wanted to take and I knew I wanted to use Unreal Engine for my first video game.
Personally I believe much can be achieved with just willpower, logic and doing your best to make sense of your goals. There are many free resources available depending on the engine you pick, so just pick one after doing an assessment of all the available engines, their offerings, community support and try it out. Maybe start with some available templates and go from there.
Hope this helps, cheers!