
I can't use this forum

Started by May 26, 2024 05:21 PM
5 comments, last by AliAbdulKareem 9 months ago

I had to type this post in Notepad and then copy and paste it into the web browser.

If I press backspace the text entry box stops responding.

Sometimes line return stops working.

If I submit a post before choosing the channel and forum the text editor freezes.

I can't copy and paste text out of the text editor.

Using Brave browser, with "shields down" for

Do any of the developers actually use their own website? These issues have been going on for years. I hate reddit, but I am now going to post the topic there that I was planning to post here.

10x Faster Performance for VR:

Did you eventually try to include a link?

That's deadly. You need big balls to dare posting a link.
Personally i paste it in only after i'm done with all the writing, and i copy all the text to the clipboard before i do it.

It's by far the worst bug of the site imo.


I've never experienced this link pasting issue, but I don't try to paste the link itself into the editor. I usually write some text, then select it, then use the link button in the toolbar to set the link for the selected text.

Otherwise I agree that the site is trash.

Aressera said:
I've never experienced this link pasting issue, but I don't try to paste the link itself into the editor. I usually write some text, then select it, then use the link button in the toolbar to set the link for the selected text.

I've tried that too, but it also crashed. Will try again…
Sombody said it's also related to the line break. If we only press return or shift + return.

I never had problems on Chrome with basic features.

On the other hand - things like LaTeX equations never worked. I always create an image of those externally (like codecogs) and copy it there.

EDIT: This being said, I haven't written much here in the past year (maybe few dozen posts, but not really big article or such). Most of the articles were written elsewhere (editor on my own site). I haven't published much in past year or two (fun fact - I do have maybe 2 dozen “articles”, most of it documenting techniques I used in that time … but I haven't published those anywhere … I was considering posting it here and on my own site (which I think should be fine and adhering to rules here), but I still can't find those few hours for each to drag those over the finish line).

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

I can confirm I had weird experiences with line breaks (I am using Brave Browser) and copy pasting, I never had it crashes but it happened multiple times when I copy-paste links, line breaks, backspaces and such destroys the text. I am currently using the same Approach by JoeJ, write everything and then, and only then, paste links.


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