
Looking for programmers to work on a 2D top down shooter

Started by April 27, 2024 02:50 AM
3 comments, last by jeffmoretti86 7 months, 4 weeks ago

Hello! I am looking for programmers of any experience level to help me with my project Warlords of Tavania, a top down 2D “extraction” style shooter game with a unique concept, I've got a fleshed out GDD available for those interested in the project. I plan on using Game Maker Studio to make the game in. Below is a summary of the game, please feel free to message me or respond to this post if this project interests you.

*Programmers who are comfortable working with UI elements are preferred but this skill is not a requirement.

(taken from the GDD)
Warlords of Tavania is a top down 2d “extraction” type shooter game where the player controls a start up paramilitary organisation in the city of Tavania, a city thrown into anarchy and chaos by competing warlords who fight for equipment and control of the city. The player character is controlled in classic 2d shooter fashion; W moves the character Up on the screen, A moves the character left, D moves right, and S moves down. The player can recruit NPCs to fight alongside them during raids into the “war zone” (the main map where the majority of gameplay will happen) NPC’s can be found in the warzone and recruited with money earned by selling equipment found during raids. The game will have a very simplistic base manage system for the player when not in the war zone where the player can choose up to 5 NPCs to fight in the player’s squad (this means the NPCs will be taken into the war zone to fight alongside the player during the duration of the raid until either killed or extracted). The player’s base will also have a “Market” option where the player can buy and sell gear to be used during raids. When the player is defeated in a raid the player will be taken back to their base and lose all gear they brought with them. If the player brought NPCs to the raid with them, they will lose half the NPCs brought rounded down (so if 5 were brought, 2 would be lost, if 3 then 1) this will be justified as losses taken during “Rapid extraction” to get the wounded player back to base. To keep the scope of the game narrow and achievable there will be no vehicles in this version of the game.


We're still looking for developers, 10% rev share for programmers!



10% rev share, how exceedingly generous!


I am interested in finding out more about your project and joining your team. Please either message me, or even better, email me at jeffmoretti (at)

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