
New graphics rendering idea to save the planet from global warming

Started by March 29, 2024 04:02 PM
6 comments, last by fastcall22 10 months, 3 weeks ago

I invented a new graphics rendering technique that may save the planet from global warming.

Its intended for 4k convex-ish objects, to create lifelike 3D graphics in games while using 0 computing power. Any object that isn't mostly convex-ish it won't work, so you'd have to mix crappy modern-gen graphics with the 4k graphics somehow.

Basically, you take a LIDAR of each orthographic angle and the LIDAR must have 4k RGB and 4k LIDAR. And use a Comanche 3 shader that has sidemaps.

The reason I am posting it here, is because I do not have 4k LIDAR and it seems prohibitively expensive for me. I know of the Comanche 3 terrain shader, but it only has heightmaps. So I am wondering if this technique is worth it to invest in 4k LIDAR equipment or not.

Basically, I am wondering will a modified Comanche 3 shader that has sidemaps, lag less than a highpoly mesh? The point of this is a. to have better graphics than modern-gen gfx, and b. to save the planet from global warming.


Q and A:

Why am I giving this away for free? I do not have money to invest in LIDAR, and also the current LIDAR doesn't do what I actually need, which is long range lidar for giant objects. It would be nice to get enough donations that i get rich for saving the planet, but there is probably 0 chance of that.

(And the longer I wait for R & D, the less chance we have of surviving global warming. So the logical choice is to post the technique, so that the experts can determine if it is viable or not before a bunch of resources are consumed on R & D.)

Am I the first person to invent this? I don't know

What is the roadmap? First someone needs to make a shader that proves this can create good 3d graphics that do not lag.

Then what we need is to get 3d modelers, I mean people that make 3d models IRL not digitally. To make high quality RL models. Then what we need is a workflow with 5 LIDAR cameras mathematically positioned 100% exactly in a box configuration. These will be “Reverse 3D Printing Studios” where instead of 3d printing, you do the opposite of 3d printing and convert real 3d models into digital LIDAR+RGB 4k orthographic maps. Then to improve LIDAR by making it have 5 KM range in 4K, so people do not have to make miniature models of giant objects.

What if the object is closeup? Add objects and textures that appear when closer up, using some kind of algorithm. Detail bumps and such. I noticed that in Unity, I had a texture that when I zoomed in to, pebbles would appear in the texture. Something like this.

There also may be a new technique that I think will save the planet, by rendering trees efficiently. I noticed that when going down a road, trees don't look that well defined. So there could be some technique to cheese this lack of detail, perhaps the sidemap technique may help.


As I said in the other thread, you need some help. You have no idea what you are talking about.


ReignOnU said:
a Comanche 3 shader that has sidemaps.

That is your ‘invention’?
Taking an ancient algorithm from another game, but increase resolution, and add - probably - triplanar texture mapping, which is an old hat as well?

Thanks for sharing, but i'll put it on the stack right above undefined ‘efficient Doom shadows'.

@Aressera What do you mean by “confidence”?

Its just an idea I came up with, I haven't invested anything into it before posting it here. I've spent 0 development hours on it, and was just hoping to get a helpful opinion about the technology. The entire point was to get an expert's opinion and not have to develop it or spend hours or weeks of research.

Hence why the internet can be unnatural and unhealthy.

How it works IRL: someone comes up with an invention, someone who knows more about it explains why the idea sucks, eventually they both figure out if the invention sucks completely, or if there are ways around it and how to improve the invention. But on the internet, its just snarkyness or condescension for anybody that tries to be outside of the box.


ReignOnU said:
I've spent 0 development hours on it

(but obviously you did not think about it for more than 0 seconds either)

ReignOnU said:
I invented a new graphics rendering technique that may save the planet from global warming.

(but better than the other thread, where you opened your proposal about potential, but non existing faster doom shadows, with the bold generous claim ‘I wanted to sell it (the non-idea lacking implementation) on some asset store, but now i'm giving it away for free to you guys here’)

The obvious problem is: You have no idea of what you talk about (in general), but you are not aware about having no idea.

@JoeJ Just another person with a poopy opinion on the internet, wish this website had a downvote button

Oh you must feel so proud of yourself, shitting on somebody trying to be creative, trying to make new innovations, why don't you brag about your expertise, rant about how much of an expert you are, and punishing somebody for trying new fun and creative things. why don't you show us your mobile games which im sure will wow us all because they are all probably amazing.



please follow basic internet etiquette.

there's a difference between asking a question and phrasing a question as the solution to global warming.
if the idea is so flimsy, or the claims so wild, they can't stand up to scrutiny and you feel personally attacked, then it was not an idea worth sharing.

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