
Creating a Test Plan

Started by March 21, 2024 02:42 AM
2 comments, last by DarylStreete 11 months, 2 weeks ago

Hello, everyone. I am yet another senior from SNHU's Game Programming and Development major. I'm sure you're already very sick of us. At the very least, I hope this question isn't completely inane.

On that note, I'm currently leading a small dev team in my other course this term, which means I'm doing a lot of organizing with not a lot of experience. I've already drafted a basic feature tracker and test plan in Excel, but I'm wondering whether there's any specialized software for creating this sort of thing in the industry. Does anyone have a favorite management solution, or is Excel the most efficient option?

DarylStreete said:
I'm doing a lot of organizing with not a lot of experience. I've already drafted a basic feature tracker and test plan in Excel, but I'm wondering whether there's any specialized software for creating this sort of thing in the industry.

As part of your studies, I recommend you do some reading. In the Production And Management forum, there's a stickied thread about project management tools.

To get to the Production and Management forum: in the left nav frame, click Forums. Then, in the top nav bar, click Browse. Then scroll down to the Business section, where Production And Management is the third forum.

In the Production and Management forum, the thread you want is the second of three stickied threads: “Project management tool Trello vs DropTask?” Click that and read.

-- Tom Sloper --


@Tom Sloper

Thank you! I probably should have expected this question to have a thread already, but I didn't know where it was.

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