Biopunk point'n'click I've been developing for years is finally coming out this Friday!
"Exit: A Biodelic Adventure" is a classic point-and-click adventure set in a colorful "biopunk" setting. An old-school style game lush with an overgrowth of biotechnology-themed items and characters! Introducing: talking cursors, a ‘living’ world with thought-out rules, and humorous reactions to the player's every action. The events unfold in a smart house—mankind’s last stronghold against a world afflicted by an epidemic involving a mysterious neuroworm. Solve the mystery of who you are in this story: are you a fighter of the infection, or a hunter of new prey?
Throughout the game, you will discover:
- Biointerfaces: for poking, sniffing, and nibbling everything in sight;
- Body modifications: your bioport craves insectampules, and your ear can be detached and sent on a mission;
- Weird characters: a naturmorph, a crocoquacker, an octopod, and many other friends of Adem;
- Bizarre items: bioflashes, sniffer snails, brain cartridges, pheromone pods, and more;
- Unusual locations: a rooflid, an ichthyoserver room, and the lair of a love-struck shoggoth, etc.;
- Dramatic plot: presented concisely and without lengthy dialogues.
It’s a biodelic adventure time!
Steam page with free demo