Hey everyone, I hope this is the right place to post this. I'm new on these forums, I just found out about them, but I wouldn't really call myself a beginner developer anymore, more intermediate. I've been at this for 5+ years now, first with Godot, now with Unity. Although I often daydream of “going pro”, I have a stable, unrelated career which has really held me off from taking the plunge into trying to make money with my games, so I just post a new project for free on itch.io every couple months. Really enjoying building games, exploring genres.
I would like to reach more players though, that is certainly true, I love watching my analytics numbers spike now & then. I have been hesitant to truly get into “marketing” since I feel like I am still building development skills and I don't want to take precious time away from that. Lately however, questions like How can I find more players? and Do I need to try to build a community? have really been burning in my mind, so I thought I'd start off here by asking about that.
What strategies have proven most successful for you personally in finding players for your games? Can it be done these days without social media (I personally gave all that up years ago and it'd be a chore to reboot it all)? Do I need to lay down some $ to get real with this in order to have any prayer of being noticed or can I reach people in other ways? What works best, in terms of hours spent versus players found?
Here's a link to my work so you can see where I'm at with game development and because I know someone is going to ask anyways.
Anyhow, greetings to everyone, and thanks for any tips.