Any control freaks like me might be interested in my game libraries so I thought I'd post a brief post and link here. Please let me know if you have any questions, because I'm not sure what you want to know!
Basically Wedge (all these are working names) is intended to be a general purpose engine, it has a lot of cool capabilities for that but so far it's only been used for JRPGs. Wedge sits on top of Shim which is a C++ library that enhances SDL2 and adds many things. And TGUI is a simple GUI library (like a basic CSS kind of, in code.)
Together I've developed at least 5 games with this combination of libraries. Except for TGUI which is on version 6 and dates way back (but it's been rewritten.)
Anyway I know most people are using WSYWIG engines now but here's something somebody may be intersted in. See you.