
Opinion on gravitation

Started by August 20, 2023 06:54 PM
4 comments, last by taby 1 year, 6 months ago

I wrote a short paper with my ideas about gravitation. I tried very hard to be clear about these ideas.

The reason that I visit gdnet is because it’s full of people who are smarter than I. LOL

any suggestions, comments, questions would be very much appreciated. If it’s not clear, then please help me make it so. ?

I don't think I know enough physics to understand what you wrote, but based on the experiences of my friends who did work in string theory and quantum gravity, there is an abundance of crackpots who write about these things. You might be on to something, but the prior probability is very low.


Hi Alvaro,

Thanks a ton for looking at the paper.

Yes, it's true that there are quite a lot of people whose work aggressively goes against common sense. I hope that my paper doesn't come off like that (aggressively). The majority are not testable at all. I'm all about the laboratory!!

All I'm asking, basically, is that if you squish a spherical gravitationally bound system so that it become oblate, won't it spin faster? How do we create such a gravitationally bound object in the laboratory? I'm not sure.

Everything leads up to the equation in section 7:


This equation says that for velocities greater than that given by sqrt(GM/r), the spatial dimension of the interaction becomes less than 3. As the dimension reduces, gravitation increases in strength.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(void)
	const double c = 299792458.0;
	const double c3 = c * c * c;
	const double G = 6.674e-11;
	const double M = 1e41;
	const double r = 3e20;
	const double v = 200000;
	const double v2 = v * v;
	const double v_newtonian = sqrt(G*M/r);
	const double v_newtonian2 = v_newtonian * v_newtonian;

	double d = log(c3 * v_newtonian2 / v2) / log(c);

	cout << d << endl;

	double d2 = log(c3 * v_newtonian / v) / log(c);

	cout << d2 << endl;

	return 0;

Both d and d2 are valid equations, but obviously not the same. Hmmm….

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