I've edited what I recently posted and I'm going to rephrase some of my previous questions, I can see why some things were taken out of context so forgive me for the edit but I do appreciate the replies that were posted.
As previously stated, I'm closing in on my BS for video game programming and development and I'm looking for some advice. As a developer in the making, I understand it takes a lot of time and practice to gain the skills and knowledge to be successful in the industry. I've created some game levels in Unreal Engine 4 using the blueprint coding, written code in C++, C#, Python, and Javascript but my knowledge only is as far as the class. What I meant by “I've never learned enough to be confident in my skills, let alone to have time to try to master them on my own” is that when I was taking class and started to gain an understanding in what I was trying to accomplish (in which I would succeed and see the end result), the class would end and I was on to the next. Typical for school, I know but I feel like it wasn't enough time to be fluent in the different coding languages.
Now that I have a basic touch of knowledge of the different coding languages, how does one know where to start to further that knowledge to become more confident in their skill set? To narrow down this question more, are all game devs fluent in all the coding languages or do they find one, stick to it and learn to master it? Being apart of the gaming industry is something I'm truly passionate about and want nothing more to succeed, I'm just trying to figure out where to put my focus once my schooling comes to an end.