Does anyone ever answer these?
Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.
Choo Wagga Choo Choo said:
Does anyone ever answer these?
Yes, occasionally we see a visible response from interested applicants. We have no way of knowing how frequently respondents use email or DM to reply.
-- Tom Sloper --
I get a few applicants each time I post.
honestly it largely depends on the state of the economy, and if people have time for hobbyish projects.
I asked the owner of the site to track some view analytics which he added a bit ago.
My procedure for the past few years was to link or copy over to there.
As a single point of truth.
I used to link here, to as my single point of truth back when the hobby section was formatted more professionally. I think it was pre2015, maybe?
Ah…good. The Mod misunderstood thinking I meant site wide.
Best wishes sir or ma'am, hope you find a skilled team that sticks with it.
Your prerequisites are a bit harsh for rev share though.
Seems anyone that passes that bar probably isn't looking for this kind of side hustle.
↓↓↓ Shapeion on Shapeion gameplay makes that clear. ↓↓↓
Dev careful. Pixel on board.
Buckle up. Everything will be revealed.
we indeed have high standards,