Far too many companies misunderstand Agile. They think doing sprints, having standups, and calling their work stories means they have a successful adoption.
Agile should be about putting more power in the hands of the developer, giving them a target, and letting them do the job. It should be about making sure the product satisfies the customers needs and getting the most done with the least amount of effort.
When companies create this type of environment, people get happier and everybody wins.
I'm putting together a team to build some training games. The plan is to give them away for free and allow people to donate. Donations will help fund the infrastructure, and an appropriate portion will be distributed to the development team.
I don't expect this make you the next billionaire, but it will be a huge resume builder and I expect a great payoff for the amount of effort involved.
The best way to reach me is through email: mailto:jeremy@org-eng.com
Hope to see you on the project!