
Your journey?

Started by June 12, 2023 06:01 PM
30 comments, last by JulieWilhelmine 1 year, 8 months ago

I'm new to this forum and to the game dev world in general. Something I'm really curious about is:

  • What made you decide to create your game? Did you start out with the idea of what you wanted to make, or knew you wanted to make something and then found out what it would be?
  • Did you start out alone? Joined or created a team? What's your take on working alone or with others?
  • What is your best experience with game dev so far? And what is your worst?

Really appreciate it if you'd share some of your thoughts (:


  • What made you decide you want to create games? Are you in school, maybe a summer class, and your teacher assigned you to do an online survey of game devs? Or have you already begun to work on designs or art or coding on your own?
  • Are you planning to make games by yourself? Or are you desirous of a team environment?
  • What is your worst fear about your future in game dev? What is your brightest dream about it?

Really wish people who come here asking these typical questions would start off by telling us about themselves. Really appreciate it if you'd answer those questions. :p

-- Tom Sloper --


@Tom Sloper
Oh, of course (: I was trying to find a forum or topic for introductions - sorry if I missed it. Thanks for asking though! (:

- I’ve always loved playing games, and from a creative perspective I have a lot of passion for storytelling, writing and art in particular. I currently work as a Frontend Developer and UI/UX Designer for a company where I mainly design and do some code for web and native applications - nothing in the realm of gaming. As for personal projects I’ve so far limited myself to creating play-by-post forum based rpgs, but the latest world I created has stuck with me in a whole new way, encouraging me to see if I can explore some game dev to bring my rpg alive as a “real” game (:

- As mentioned my current main goal is to bring my world alive as a rpg, and I currently don’t know anyone in the world of game dev, so right now it’s just me. It’s a bit daunting, and although I’m curious to see where my strengths and current skill set can get me, I’m looking for places like this - a sense of community, to make the adventure less lonely. It would be fantastic to be a part of a team at some point for sure, or have someone to collaborate with or learn from (:

- I currently don’t have many fears about it, to be honest - maybe cause I don’t see it as a do or die thing, or that there’s any pressure or deadlines to adhere to. Don’t get me wrong - I’m passionate about what I want to accomplish, and I would suck if I didn’t get it to where I want it to go, but maybe it’s just so early for me in the process that I just see possibilities instead of obstacles, haha (: Right now my biggest dream for my game dev journey would be to adapt and develop my rpg world into a game I can be proud of - to have someone play it and get a meaningful experience from it would be awesome beyond words. A great + would be to hone my current and develop new skills for myself as well - maybe get to contribute to someone else’s dreams and projects as a bonus. Make a difference.

Hope that answers your questions (:


JulieWilhelmine said:
Hope that answers your questions

I would suggest to ask real questions or give real advice and get off the BS questions that you asked in the OP. Most people have no patience for that and I'm in the minority to actually tell you.

🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.


What an incredibly unnecessary reply to make - how do you come to the conclusion that my questions aren’t “real”?
I must have missed the rule of “you are only allowed to wonder about *these* particular things.”

I’m not forcing anyone to answer, maybe take your lack of patience elsewhere?


I have to agree with fleabay that the questions you asked in your first post are inconsistent with your later post, your stated desire to find community. Those initial questions are not useful in your quest.

To get back to your self intro: I've never heard of play-by-post forum based rpgs before. Are you planning to start something like that in our forums? Have you made some previous forum rpgs somewhere that we can check out?

-- Tom Sloper --


@Tom Sloper

I can't say that I understand the statement that my questions and desire to find community is inconsistent as I find that a good way to get to know a people - or a community, to see if someone is of similar mind and interest, is to ask questions about something that we may or may not share or have in common. The things important to me at this point. Besides, I wasn’t aiming to make just one post and have that cover everything I look for or have to bring - I was simply curious about these things, and still am. Me saying that I’m looking for places like this, for community, was in answer to the specific questions you asked, not the specific goal for my OP. (:

I’m rather surprised as to why you both appear so non-welcoming and judgemental of my agenda, goals or the questions that I’m in all honesty interested in the answers to - if there were to be anyone around that would like to share. I’m trying to be respectful and struggle to understand why that’s not a goal for others in return - if you find my methods of communicating or questions uninteresting, why not just keep scrolling? is a great resource for everything related to play-by-post, if you’re interested (: I don’t plan on doing any of that here, no - a PBP-rpg usually is its own dedicated site, with forums for character creation, world info and stuff, as well as subforums where the rp itself happens. There are a lot of great, long lived sites out there so I really recommend it for anyone who enjoys writing.

I have made a few myself, but as I feel I’ve gotten off to a bit of an unexpected rocky start here so far I’m not too comfortable sharing at the moment.


JulieWilhelmine said:
I have made a few myself, but as I feel I’ve gotten off to a bit of an unexpected rocky start here so far I’m not too comfortable sharing at the moment.

Yes, you started off sounding like a student doing a game school assignment with the questions you asked (and we're very tired of students' game school assignment questions). Why don't you read some posts to get a feel for the tenor of the community. Start at​ and click the Browse button, see what forums are of interest to you, maybe post some replies - but don't dig back too far in time, we don't like necroing. You can also check out the Projects and Blogs (left nav sidebar). But Projects especially is overrun by game ads, so…

-- Tom Sloper --

@Tom Sloper

Hah, understood. Wish I was a game school student, but I'm turning 30 and my school days are way behind me. Just looking for a place with decent people to discuss and share on this new journey.

I'll do some browsing ?


We tend to get swamped by new people that have other agendas than making games. These people tend not to give information why they are here and what they aim for, and instead ask questions not directly connected to game development that they want to do.

So as such, your first post fits perfectly in the “swamp people” corner and our moderators switched to alert mode for some more scrutinizing intentions.

I am not sure I can answer many of your questions. I came here long before I wanted to make a game iirc. Games interest me as they create illusions, where my take is finding out how they do it technically. This community seemed like a feasible path to get all the secrets ?

My “games” career started (I think) 15 years ago when I joined an open source game project to learn about code refactoring. It was a lot of fun, learned a lot, and met people with lots of different backgrounds and abilities. Some had software challenges where I could give a hand, which is always nice to do as well as useful. I also started writing a game, it runs for the part that I created but I gave up after about 5 years, it was too far from the finish line. It's still at github though. Since then I another open source game project (much much smaller), where I tend to try solve the big problems that everybody avoids, but I don't make much progress, not in the last reason due to lack of sufficient time.

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