
Going from individual developer to founder of a company

Started by May 10, 2023 12:57 PM
5 comments, last by GeneralJist 1 year, 9 months ago

I think I finally know the direction I want to go with developing games. I want to start out as an indie developer making 2D mobile games as well as some games on Steam. I then eventually want to start a game company that makes 3D games. However, this would mean having to learn 3D modeling and create 3D models while also working on other projects, and I would also be known for my 2D mobile games and people would be reluctant to try my 3D games.

Does this sound like a good career path? I could start out with 2D games while learning 3D development. How would I be able to get people to play my 3D games when I eventually start a company if I become known for 2D mobile and Steam games developed by me as an individual?

EDIT: I was also thinking about just making 3D games from the get-go, but I would still have to transistion from mobile to cross-platform and/or individual to owner of a company.

@bradleyauerbach , is college part of your career path? Are you planning to get an MBA at some point?

I wrote an article on starting your own company. Recommend you read it.

-- Tom Sloper --


@undefined Maybe. However, it's a bit hard to find classes that don't conflict with my current work schedule (I would need to bring up my GPA before transferring from community college), and that is causing a roadblock in my college education. I currently have an A.S. degree in computer science, and there are many online courses I can take to learn about running a business.

There have been successful people who started a successful business without an MBA, and some didn't even finish college. However, those may just be the “lucky few” and those people started out a long time ago.

BradleyAuerbach said:
Does this sound like a good career path?

It sounds like a plausible career path, but neither easy nor likely.

Your ordering seems suspect, because by becoming an “indie developer” you are a company founder at the same time. You may simply happen to have a single person working for you, yourself, but you'll quickly grow to contractors for lawyers and business needs, likely picking up outsiders for music and audio and translation and marketing (many things you didn't list among your skills), and gradually hiring people as need increased.

Making multiple successful games on mobile platforms and Steam is difficult and uncommon. It is possible certainly, but many people attempt it and fail. The plan relies on a lot of work, a lot of up-front cost, overcoming a lot of barriers, and a tremendous amount of luck.

(oops, Sorry didn't notice thee dates on the thread before I responded)


The1st issue I see, is that 2d mobile games are in a different market than 3D pc games.

knowing one or being successful in one vertical may not mean success in the other.

sounds like your starting as a lone wolf dev?

The 2nd issue, is working by yourself is very different than working with others, let alone leading others.

Anyone with a little capitol can start a company. However, being a legit "founder' of a successful company is a entirely different thing.

What are your skills?

What is the longest time you've stuck to a project?

Are you in a stable living and financial situation in meat space?

How long do you have to be able to chase this dream? and how long are you willing to dedicate?

What does your support network look like?

Most importantly:


As a co founder and now founder myself, the why is critical for long term understanding and success.

Answering to us is less important than answering to yourself

From experience, it will take longer, be harder and cost more (financially and otherwise) than you expect.

How legit do you want your company to be?

What are you willing to sacrifice?

Founding is not for everyone.

you may have an idea in your head that if you found your own company than you'd be your own boss, on the surface that sounds awesome. In practice it's much more complicated and costly, and the sacrifices and responsibilities pile up over time and become too much for most.

Do you have what it takes to be the captain of the ship of your own life?

No one tells you what it's really like.

Being a founder and employer is very serious shit. If you don't want that responsibility eventually, don't make your own company.

Our company homepage:

My New Book!:


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