Hello there, i am an indie game developer just starting to work with UE5 for a passion project, a remaster for this game called Deadly Premonition. can anyone do some perusing around? i have heard that NinjaRipper wont work with full maps so if any one knows of any other ideas or if someone just so happens to have the map textures for a 13 year old indie title with less total players than multiversus' last 30 days that would be great too, haha. also im not picky, if anyone could find anything on textures for any of the versions of this game it would be much appreaciated, thanks.
Need Help with ripping the map for a game im remastering
@xd_bonfire , you shouldn't rip that game's maps or use its textures or “remaster” it without written permission from the game's IP owner, most likely Hidetaka "SWERY" Suehiro, who designed and directed the original production. You mischaracterized the game as an "old indie title," but in fact the game was released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Windows, Steam, and, in 2019, the Nintendo Switch. I would not call that "indie." And a sequel was released just 3 years ago on the Switch, so your justification that it's a 13-year-dormant IP is false. Furthermore, you don't ask game designers to go "perusing around" for tools or data or code for you - you ask programmers or art techs for tips on how you can do your own perusing. So you asked your question in the wrong forum. Thus this has been moved to a more appropriate forum for technical questions, but it probably ought to be locked.
-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com
@undefined I am sorry for not explaining myself clearly enough, i am doing this for myself and the game will never be released or monitized in any way. also i have received permission from SWERY to remake the game. As i said this is something i am doing purely out of passion for the franchise as something i have always wanted. i am a very new developer and this would be the first lengthy project i have planned on working on. I apologize for the lack of proper terminology. lastly, i understand where you are coming from about the switch port of the game, but i consider that less of a remaster and more just a port of The Directors cut with uncapped fps.
Maybe Swery can help you with your question, since he is cooperating with you.
-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com