Hello, Andreas or WitchLord (i could confused :D),
I have seen this post on AngelCode forum that i found interesting.
I have had many cases where i needed to work with promises even within C++, when time came to AngelScript i saw that there was no implementation of that concept which is okay but i think that AngelScript provides very convenient way to implement it.
About a year ago i implemented concept of promises specifically for AngelScript, then modified it to support syntax that is adopted in JavaScript, in this case it is only one keyword await.
Today i have extracted minimal implementation from my codebase to separate repository and made a header-only implementation in 600 lines of code which is as small as i could get, basically a scratch.
It is a bidrectional implementation meaning can be used as script only promise that will be created and resolved inside script context, C++ to script, script to C++.
Further modifications would be done if needed. It's pretty customizable and uses AngelScript memory functions. More information could be found in this repository.
Check it out please when you could.