
Dissertation Help

Started by April 17, 2023 10:22 PM
2 comments, last by domanic 1 year, 10 months ago

Hey everybody!

I'm not sure if this post belongs here but I'm currently a BA (Hons) Business student writing my dissertation. I need people who have worked within the industry to complete a survey if possible, it would really help! Contact information can be found on the survey if you need to contact me, and the survey is anonymous.

[link removed]​

Also, if you know anybody who might be able to contribute to the survey I would really appreciate it if you could send it across to them. Thank you!

@domanic , your link is removed because (1) we get flooded by students wanting us to fill out surveys and it's annoying, and (2) your request is too unspecific. Tell us a lot more about the survey - what kinds of questions it's asking, and what your dissertation title is, what your dissertation is about, thus why you need game developers to give you information for it.

Also, this survey has been moved to the Business/Law forum because your major is Business.

-- Tom Sloper --


@Tom Sloper Thanks Tom. My dissertation is looking into the role leadership plays within video game development. To be exact, the title is “What role does leadership play within video game development?” It is kept completely anonymous, and any question that would ask additional details are optional. The types of questions aren't too complicated, but I'm looking at the variation in leadership structures in indie studios compared to AAA. I'm also looking into the experiences of developers in terms of leadership, job satisfaction, potential crunch, etc. Without game developers, I wouldn't be able to get first hand accounts which are paramount to the dissertation in question.

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