
HE HE..every point and laff at the newb

Started by December 18, 2001 04:57 PM
2 comments, last by phoenix492 23 years, 2 months ago
ERmm...ok..heres the deal. I ahve some VB, C++ and pascal skills (Skills Isn''t the correct word ). Where should I start if wanting to do 3d game programming? i''ve read most of the books, and they haven''t gotten me anywhere.. is there any online tutorials that will make me go.."WOW".??And if there are..where are they? "...Whats this thing again? A keyboard? oh..right!"
"...Whats this thing again? A keyboard? oh..right!"
If you have a grasp of C check out NeHe for some great OpenGL tutorials.


Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music.
If it wasn''t for NeHe, I'' still be frothing at the brain trying to get DirectX 8 to work.....

We honour OpenGL and its simplicity!
I agree, I favor DX8 by far but I started learning w/ OpenGL at Everything you learn there you can take with you to any other API.

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