
Need advice for finished game

Started by March 29, 2023 11:55 AM
5 comments, last by Tom Sloper 1 year, 11 months ago

Hi all

I am new to this environment and need some advice. I have written a number puzzle program using Unity and don't know where to upload it. I was thinking of, and Unity Play but I'm thinking that, since it's not your usual online game, players using these sites won't be interested. Should I create my own website and upload it there instead, do you think?

Thanks for any advice.


FYI, you're not looking for where to upload it. You're looking for a place to have your game hosted for others to download. You need to think about who the target audience is, and what you're looking for from having the game out there for people to download - are you looking to make money from it? If so, what's the monetization model? It's time to think about this problem from a business/marketing perspective.

-- Tom Sloper --


@Tom Sloper Hi Tom

Thanks for replying. Yes, I would like to make money from it, if possible. I'm thinking my target audience would be 12 years +.

So your target audience is parents, grandparents. Because 12-year-olds don't have credit cards, or shouldn't have. The monetization is what exactly? Surely not microtransactions. Subscription? Purchase?

-- Tom Sloper --

Subscription maybe? The game involves mental math so I'm thinking maybe educational trusts may sponsor me, but I'm guessing that would depend on the interest shown by users.

You need to research educational games for kids. And research these educational trusts you mentioned. Sounds to me like you haven't really put much work into the business planning side of your game. Educational games are a niche market, very difficult to make money from.

-- Tom Sloper --

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