i agree on that, but let me some appointments:
- find people for make a game is very hard for dont said impossible (without money payment since beggining) cos most of drawers, graphists etc want commisions for their art mostly (musicians is less hard cos some of them yes agree to collaborate even unpaid at first chance)
- People that you find for collaborate (in rare case you find them) mostly are unexperienced or very “bad” stuff (in graphics for example) and like you said, not for a blockbuster but a game with good graphics always catch more attention of public (in general) that one with awful or not very good made graphics
- the “constant” and “producing” the work we expect from them (attitude of the work), at this field, much people fails even they with good intentions they “loosed” on chatting (sometimes of things nothing related to the project) or simply they dont there available on a regular daily basis by some reasons (my girlfriend dont want i be so long with computers, i have a dating with family, i have make studies or exams, i have work in the RL job etc etc) or they simply make 1 or 2 things and you go crazy for they producing more and more fast. (i was in some videogame projects when the graphicians passed 7 months and near nothing done)
- The Experience and Quality of Code (much people puts to make a videogame thinking is so simple like make a coffee (warm milk and add sugar) but a good videogame requires a lot of knowdledge in some fields and a complete dominion of the languaje used, and have other things in count appart common runtime errors like collateral errors or some other hidden errors that only appearing in some circunstances.
- How the public accepts the videogame (a videogame can be a complete shit and have sucess on sales and other be a beautiful and well done thing and dont sell a shit or dont like to the people)
and the last thing, is that you comment Wallby, the people seems only thinking in make AAA project, with quality and proffesionality of big studios (that dont forget possibly they have 40 coders, 400 graphic artists and all them very well payed punctually all months working like pure beasts for 2 or more years without stopping neither for go to bath :D) and also they employ a good bunch of hundreds of millions in the development and marketing etc…… then, is like if im a guy of 200 kg fat and try equiparating running to Carl Lewis and try be at his same level……IM PO SSI BLE….at all lights but……
And finnally, develop a videogame in good way (good playgame mode, not very bad errors, fluid in the game etc) requires lot of being constant, be good at your task (programming, graphics, music etc) patience, knowdledge, good attitude (for work all in group for example) and overall work firm and without much rest all days along the project's life and for be sincerely, much people dont know what is all this things and dont do their part of the job in most cases….