I just now posted a blog article, but either my internet and/or this site's internet crapped out the moment I hit submit, and 5 copies of the blog article were created (I clicked “save” multiple times). You can see them now on the front page. Embarrassing!
First of all, shouldn't there be some kind of a protection against this kind of thing happening in the first place? This reminds me of old online stores in the early 2000s with submit buttons that say “press button only once” because it might cause multiple purchases. Shouldn't we be past this in 2023?
Second, I can't even delete or hide the extra blog posts! There is no option to delete a post at all, WTF! Surely that's against some EU privacy laws and their right-to-be forgotten. Furthermore, I tried to hide the posts, and they don't seem to disappear from the front page. So the “hide” option doesn't work either. Bollocks!