
i need help... badly.

Started by January 07, 2023 01:39 AM
19 comments, last by Aybe One 2 years, 1 month ago

When you go on a trip somewhere and you dont know how to get there do you hop in your car and hope you can find your way there, or do you sit down and research the directions to get to your destination.

I will assume you do your due diligence first, that is the secret sauce to making video games:

You cannot expect yourself to spend possibly years upon years of your time in front of a computer without any directions, and I think you owe it to yourself to make sure you aren't wasting your time by pretending like you can make things up as you go along.

You want the world in your video game and you want it yesterday, rather you should be coming up with a plan; your question in this thread should be “How do I plan my video game”, and between you and me (and I guess everyone reading this), don't fool yourself in thinking you can make a video game with no experience, let alone thinking that side projects and smaller games wont help you get far, practice makes you better in everything you do, game development is hard and you're finally realizing it.

So my answer to your question is, sit your butt down on a chair with a piece of paper and write out what your expectations of your game is, and do some research online of games you like and games you like to play. Once you have a plan, you break down that plan into smaller pieces, divide and conquer, THEN you worry about programming language, and honestly use the language you have the most experience in, dont overcomplicate your life looking for the cookie cutter programming language, this isn't an MMO where you need the best build to be successful.

@Vilem Otte

Oh nice, that is literally good news! ?


I join you on that first statement, ideally when it works, just don't touch it.
But… (lol), I'm the one who actually suggested that idea ?.
I put things on a balance, cost/time of introducing N features in C vs in .NET, the latter outweighed the former.

I searched the web about converting a code base and stumbled upon this: Disclosing How C#-SQLite Was Ported to .NET.
Told myself that the guy who wrote SQLite couldn't be possibly wrong, he wasn't, I tried it and that worked terribly well.
Just a matter of patience and then once done, I was in known territory and been refactoring/enhancing at tremendous speed.

But yes, I wouldn't recommend it de-facto for any project out there but for that particular one it ended up being a good move.

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