Three months ago, an alien race called the Kezu invaded earth. While continued fighting goes on in Europe, most of North and South America have been lost. There are rumors that survivors in those areas are being captured by the Kezu and used as slaves in their off-world mining facilities …
The Kezu Invasion is a crafting/adventure game blend built in Unity that has been a hobby of mine for over a year now. It's a first-person, non-combat adventure game with puzzle, crafting and storytelling emphases – something I have never seen in the gaming world, but would love to play. ?
I worked with a talented developer on Upwork to build out the HUD and gaming engine, with equippable inventory and items, patterns (recipes), forges (crafting) and collectable logs (storytelling). I have the game mechanics and many of the puzzles written out, and the three major story arcs fully developed as well.
What I'm missing are good environments and good art. Currently, the intro and the first level are built out (badly), and usable 3D objects are mostly a mishmash of items pulled from collections downloaded from the Unity Asset Store.
I'm looking for a talented level designer and 3D object artist who can bring a cohesive look and feel to the world, and help move this game to the next level. There will be five levels in total:
Intro: Player's Home
Level 1: Kezu Mining Facility on Another Planet
Level 2: Planet Surface / Forest / Resistance Headquarters
Level 3: City / Munitions Plant
Level 4: Kezu Mother Ship
Any takers?