
looking for motivation

Started by October 09, 2022 01:54 PM
27 comments, last by GeneralJist 2 years, 3 months ago

@genome75 I am motivated by thinking of one specific user, usually someone I know in real life, who will enjoy my software once I've shared it with them.

Our 9 year old has been watching me develop a music app at various stages. One day she asked if I was going to release it on the net for everybody. ‘It looks good’ she said with two thumbs up.

As long as I can imagine my audience, I can feel their motivation pushing me ahead.

Even online-only friends will do.

Also when i decidet to study game dev i looked for answering the question what game design can give me as an instrument. Dont search for justification of your passion of coding and vidiogames.Dive deep and look why you started playing and coding games.I personaly find videogames like best conductor of emotions and I am struck by the connection between me and the hero that happen because of immersion in character and possibility to go throw experiance that gameplay give me. I also dont no why people are not using it creating games. I want to make games from where people can take more than some emothions and good time spending like from the netflix series. Some life experiance that will help them, like old Disney movies when you watched a fantasy world of Pinokio and study how to be self-consciousness



I'm still going to assert that you will find it under the bed, or maybe in the closet?

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Also man dont watch any motivasional videos that will give you energy for 5 minutes. I personaly recomand Jordon Peterson on youtube where you have to watch Maps of meaning. I dont now how all people how people relate to him now when he became so popular, i alsaw dont support his views on alot of things, but i am thankfull that he help people, especially young man, with problems and help people to become self consciousness


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