I'm trying to make this slow paced Web item-collecting-character-improving game. I have it all kinda sketched up but I lack the programming skills to finish it. I will, on the other hand, provide all the art required for it (It'll be really simple, pixel-art i was thinking). To put it in a few words It'd be like a simpler game than Neonmob, with some RPG elements and Character development (Not really much of an active thing like fights and that, but mainly building up a character sheet on time and collecting and equipping special Items that require these stats.) The main fun is to slowly build up your character and keep collecting these collectibles (basically just clicking a button from time to time to get random items, but then trading, and selling these objects for an in-game currency to buy stuff), completing collections, appear in leaderboards and stuff.
If anyone is up for it, I thought it was worth to ask, maybe we can do it together. I think PHP, SQL because of the collectible database and login system and stuff, and HTML/CSS knowledge will do for this one, it's a simple - and hearty- web game, just for fun. If interested let me know! It'd be cool to make it.