
Hello, I am Zarovski

Started by September 11, 2022 10:39 AM
7 comments, last by GeneralJist 2 years, 5 months ago

Hello I am Zarovski

I’m a 25 years old male, living somewhere in eastern-europe.

My hobbies are: Computers(especially old ones), linux, programming

I have stayed more than 6 months inside an orthodox monastery where I had this idea of making a game. I want my game to be out fast, but I don’t want to sacrifice the quality, I want it to be a piece of art, a game that makes you ask questions about life, society, authority, your own purpose etc.

What I have in my mind for now is:

  • It will be a 2D platformer.
  • Atmosphere is the most important thing!
  • It will have pixel art graphics (Spelunky style)
  • The choices you make in the game will affect the environment (Dishonored style)
  • Every Character you meet has a background and a specific personality, you will see this in a GUI menu, something like serious sam’s main menu

There is a game on steam called Coma. But before this game was on steam, it was a flash game. I have played this 5 minute flash game back in the days and it stuck with me. Something so simple, yet so intense. That game is the inspiration behind my idea and I really recommend you to play it.

I want to start something on social media, but I have no idea where to begin. The whole idea is to post the game progress so that people will give me the motivation necessary to finish it(I’m all alone in this guys, and my life isn’t easy already, so I will need a lot of support). Maybe you can tell me where to start and what to do, point out some guides in this direction.

The game will be free to download, and you will have the options to donate if you want. I’m not making this for money, so don’t even tell me about things like “profit,financial stuff etc”, cause I don’t care about that aspect.And finally, I hope you guys can point me in the right direction, to find the necessary resources to finish this project.

Last but not least, I’m using pygame to make it. Please don’t suggest other engine, I love pygame and I am willing to extend it if I can.

zarovski said:
I want to start something on social media, but I have no idea where to begin. The whole idea is to post the game progress so that people will give me the motivation necessary to finish it(I’m all alone in this guys, and my life isn’t easy already, so I will need a lot of support). Maybe you can tell me where to start and what to do, point out some guides in this direction.

You can find marketing discussions, including questions and responses about social media marketing, in the Games Business and Law forum.

You can write a blog here on (click the Blogs link in the nav bar at left), and update it every week.

You should set up a free account on LinkedIn for sure.

-- Tom Sloper --


zarovski said:
find the necessary resources to finish this project.

You mean unpaid helpers? Post in Hobby Project Classifieds.

-- Tom Sloper --

@undefined nah, i mean learning resources. Unpaid helpers might come in handy later

zarovski said:
i mean learning resources.

You can ask questions in our forums. You can ask programming questions in the programming forums, art questions in the art forums, design questions in the design forum…

-- Tom Sloper --

@undefined i like your website btw, have you made it from scratch? Like vanilla css and html?


It's plain old html. I'm old-school, not a programmer, have not invested in css.

-- Tom Sloper --

Motivation is a tricky thing, it comes and goes randomly and you never know when it will strike.

My advise is to build a team for your game. Working with others offers a lot of motivation.

Find a person or a few people that complement your strengths and weaknesses.

Set time aside every day to work on your project. It doesn't have to be scheduled, it just needs to be consistent.

Another reason to work with others, beyond the obvious, is they can vouch for you if you ever need a “reference”

Document everything.

There is a lot more to it, but this should get you started.

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