Argh! I am really ticked when this kind of thing happens, and I''d appreciate it if someone offered a registry hack or some other way to fix the problem:
My keyboard setting in Control Panel at random (but seemed to a lot yesterday, not much today though) gets set back to ''slowest repeat'' all the time, and I even set it up and close the window and right away go back in and it''s put it back to slow. This makes my blood boil when I go to backspace and it goes ''tick..........tick..........tick'', etc. This also happened since Windows 95. I e-mailed MS 4 years ago and never heard back.
Another setting that won''t stick (although it did in Win95) is the ''AutoArrange'' feature for one''s desktop icons. No matter what I do, restarting the computer turns this back on and it puts them all back in the upper left corner again.
I have Windows 98, first edition, I believe. Please help. This is most annoying.
Windows is pissing me off, I need a fix
Ok it sounds like you have your user settings turned on a certain way that that is doing this.
Check around in your control panel in the Users applet, if your computer is setup so that no users can change the default settings then what you describe is what happens.
Beyond that I wouldn''t know what the problem is.
Check around in your control panel in the Users applet, if your computer is setup so that no users can change the default settings then what you describe is what happens.
Beyond that I wouldn''t know what the problem is.
Just because the church was wrong doesn't mean Galileo wasn't a heretic.It just means he was a heretic who was right.
Thanks for your post, but they appear to be fine. I''m the sole user and I have no restrictions set. Any other ideas?
Does it happen after a particular application runs? There have been apps in the past that have screwed up my mouse speed after exiting.
Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2 messes up the keyboard, but about half the time I haven''t been running that when that happened. The other program I can remember it happening in is TextPad, but I use that all the time, so it''s not consistent. It''s even happened with just Notepad running, and another time with just ICQ, but a lot of the time I use ICQ and it doesn''t happen.
The AutoArrange happens when nothing is running (aside from three tray apps, but they''re just for my joystick, speakers and CDRW, so I''d probably rule them out...)
The AutoArrange happens when nothing is running (aside from three tray apps, but they''re just for my joystick, speakers and CDRW, so I''d probably rule them out...)
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