Would anyone happen to know how subscription payments are handled if your game is on Steam? I know steam takes 30% of sales revenue…but how do subscriptions work? Are third party processors allowed (for example something like paypal or stripe)? If so does Valve expect you to pay them back the 30% of revenue you make?
What sparked my curiosity regarding this is that I had an idea for a simple strategy game that would be free to play, but for other features you would subscribe for some small monthly fee. Which got me thinking….if you're game is free to play…and you have an optional subscription…how would valve make money off of you…I can't imagine they'd just let that fly under the radar…?
I found this thread on steam which seems to go both ways with some people saying you can't and some people saying you can use outside payment methods…quite confusing.
And just to be clear, I'm not looking for some way to circumvent paying Valve…I don't even know if I'll pursue this idea…It just made me think and I thought it would be a nice discussion topic.