
Space Ork dating game seeks beta testers

Started by September 07, 2021 07:23 AM
4 comments, last by josephjclark 3 years, 5 months ago


I'm looking for a little help testing Orkward - the space ork dating game.

I need one hour of your time to click through this browser-based visual novel. I will give you detailed instructions and tell you exactly what you need to test.

If you're new to QA and testing I have all the time in the world to help you get started and give you a few tips.

This unpaid but I will gladly give you an hour or so of my own time in exchange. I can write, review and edit, I can code (for the web really), I can playtest and I can offer mentoring or advice, through text or video.

Thank you!

josephjclark said:
I will give you detailed instructions and tell you exactly what you need to test

Ok, I understand the what but isn't the job of a tester to not follow the instructions and instead gather those bugs that you, as familiar to the game as possible, won't find in your day routine?


Shaarigan said:

Ok, I understand the what but isn't the job of a tester to not follow the instructions and instead gather those bugs that you, as familiar to the game as possible, won't find in your day routine?

Maybe. Depends on the tester, depends on the job. Usually I think a tester will be assigned to a particular feature or level and will test within that. Absolutely the tester should go off-piste and test beyond the ‘happy path’ - but the tester also needs an idea of what sort of thing they're looking for.

But that doesn't matter really. I'm just asking different testers to test a particular slices of the game. Instructions make it easier for me to coordinate their effort and for them to understand what they need to do.

Ok, I'm sort of intrigued. I can try and spare an hour or so on the weekend if you send me the instructions.

(You had me literally laughing out loud with Devlog #4: Narrativ Stuff)

@paladinrjp Thank you so much! I'll send you a message now.

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