
I cannot create any blog entries anymore, help!

Started by August 16, 2021 10:37 AM
2 comments, last by chao51 3 years, 6 months ago


I am trying to become a bit more active writing a blog on my development projects,

but no luck.

I created for example, this one

I also was able to create a single blog entry in it.

But right now I don't know how to create another blog entry.

It is like the buttons are being hidden or so, and the website does

not recognize me anymore as the owner of the blog, in some cases.

Anyway ideas, or help apreciated.


Chao55 / Retro Games, Programming, AI, Space and Robots

Currently working on HyperPyxel paint program -​​ and an asteroids clone under my "Game1" javascript game "engine".

It works for me.

Go to "My Dashboard" and then “Blogs”​

Click on your Blog “channel” and inside on the upper right corner “New Post”



Through “My Dashboard” it works, and now I am back in business again ?

I came to my blogs view “My Profile” → Blogs → scroll till find → Click → no buttons…


Chao55 / Retro Games, Programming, AI, Space and Robots

Currently working on HyperPyxel paint program -​​ and an asteroids clone under my "Game1" javascript game "engine".

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