Gameplay mechanics
You pilot a remote controlled helicopter trhough a system of crystalline caves, becasue the master control program went nuts and decided to kill all the scientists who were working there , yes, becasue this crystalline solid is the most durable, undestructable material known to man. So somebody hacked the system to take control of all the illudium ( this is the name of the material ) of which the caves are made. You will need to overcome obstacles in the form of laser , moving hurdles and AI-contorlled drones , you must save all scientists , take them to the extraction point and go down further the cave until you reach the MCP to destroy it , then you will need to travel back to surface.
What I still need to do :
Raycasted clouds shader
Sea water shader material
Particle system to simulate smoke and explosion
Drone attack ai , for the moment, drones follow a patrolling path ( working on it actually )
Landing on captives withdrawal point , captives need to climb on helycopter in a specific number
Landing on extraction point
Map obstacles , like moving walls and crossing laser
Level Exit point
Textures , basically for anything
Level desing / testing