
(REV-SHARED) Fort Apocsalypse reloaded

Started by July 11, 2021 10:24 AM
1 comment, last by Programmer71 3 years, 7 months ago



Good day, I am working since a while ( almost 1.5 years ) at my personal projetc, I am very near to a demo. to propose to an investor who is interested into funding.

Despite of al lmy efforts, I need some help in the field of programming,  and 3d modelling and texturing.

The project is using a custom engine written in c++ / Opengl and a tool writen in Qt.

I post some pictures to show the current progress

Game image
Debuggin the  octree navmesh 
Double buffered particle system with collision detection  
Collision detection against level walls
Bullet tracers collision detection 
The qt editor , converts a black and white imae into optimized rectangles to feed into the octree

Gameplay mechanics

You pilot a remote controlled helicopter trhough a system of crystalline caves, becasue the master control program went nuts and decided to kill all the scientists who were working there , yes, becasue this crystalline solid is the most durable, undestructable material known to man. So somebody hacked the system to take control of all the illudium ( this is the name of the material ) of which the caves are made. You will need to overcome obstacles in the form of laser , moving hurdles and AI-contorlled drones , you must save all scientists , take them to the extraction point and go down further the cave until you reach the MCP to destroy it , then you will need to travel back to surface.

What I still need to do :

Raycasted clouds shader
Sea water shader material
Particle system to simulate smoke and explosion
Drone attack ai , for the moment, drones follow a patrolling path ( working on it actually )
Landing on captives withdrawal point , captives need to climb on helycopter in a specific number
Landing on extraction point
Map obstacles , like moving walls and crossing laser
Level Exit point
Textures , basically for anything
Level desing / testing

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