
Seeking a VG partnership

Started by June 29, 2021 11:32 PM
1 comment, last by Tom Sloper 3 years, 8 months ago

My name is Connor and I’ve been working independently attempting to make multiple games for a year and a half now. Despite countless hours of dedication and desire ive realized I can’t do it alone. I want to see if anyone out there needs or a development partner or wants to assist me in my game development. I do not have any money only the promise of splitting any profits ever made 50-50. I am familiar with the RPG Maker, Unity, and Game Maker engines

if this is the wrong section of group, I apologize. this is my first time on the website. My personal instagram is “ howda_yall “

Im_afraid said:

if this is the wrong section of group, I apologize. this is my first time on the website. My personal instagram is “ howda_yall “

The Careers forum where you posted is for discussions about getting hired, doing job interviews, stuff like that. Your post has been moved to the Hobby Project Classifieds board. Before posting again, please familiarize yourself with our various forum topics, and post only in appropriate forums. And please read the site's posting guidelines before you post again.​ - Good luck with your endeavors.

-- Tom Sloper --

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