
Angelscript compile error on XCode

Started by June 01, 2021 08:08 PM
2 comments, last by Hatori 3 years, 9 months ago

Hello, I have been trying to use version 2.35.0 of Angelscript in XCode version 12.4 and have been getting errors in as_module.cpp

I get the error Expected Expression when compiling. I have shown the code below with the lines causing the error. Any idea what this might be or a fix?

Thanks for any help!

Here are the errors:

// internal
void asCModule::AddClassType(asCObjectType* type)
	m_typeLookup.Insert({type->nameSpace, type->name}, type);  Expected Expression

// internal
void asCModule::AddEnumType(asCEnumType* type)
	m_typeLookup.Insert({type->nameSpace, type->name}, type);   Expected Expression

// internal
void asCModule::AddTypeDef(asCTypedefType* type)
	m_typeLookup.Insert({type->nameSpace, type->name}, type);    Expected Expression

// internal
void asCModule::AddFuncDef(asCFuncdefType* type)
	m_typeLookup.Insert({type->nameSpace, type->name}, type);    Expected Expression

// internal
void asCModule::ReplaceFuncDef(asCFuncdefType* type, asCFuncdefType* newType)
	int i = m_funcDefs.IndexOf(type);
	if( i >= 0 )
		m_funcDefs[i] = newType;
		// Replace it in the lookup map too
		asSMapNode<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCTypeInfo*>* result = nullptr;
		if(m_typeLookup.MoveTo(&result, {type->nameSpace, type->name}))  Expected Expression
			asASSERT( result->value == type );
			result->value = newType;

// internal
asCTypeInfo *asCModule::GetType(const asCString &type, asSNameSpace *ns) const
	asSMapNode<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCTypeInfo*>* result = nullptr;
	if(m_typeLookup.MoveTo(&result, {ns, type}))    Expected Expression
		return result->value;
	return 0;

// internal
asCObjectType *asCModule::GetObjectType(const char *type, asSNameSpace *ns) const
	asSMapNode<asSNameSpaceNamePair, asCTypeInfo*>* result = nullptr;
	if(m_typeLookup.MoveTo(&result, {ns, type}))    Expected Expression
		return CastToObjectType(result->value);
	return 0;

These expressions use a later C++ standard. Most likely if you look in the xcode project settings you'll find an option to compile with a higher C++ standard that will work without further changes.

But, you can also use the code from the latest WIP version where I've already changed this code to be compatible with the older C++ standard.


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@WitchLord Thanks for the quick reply! I'll look into the WIP version!

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