We are proud to announce that we have opened a steam page for our new game - Evade The Light
We will do our best to give players what they want - action-packed FPS with a dark horror atmosphere. If you are interested in something like this, then be sure to subscribe to our page to receive recent updates.
Opening the page is just the first step for us. After collecting feedback and analyzing suggestions, we plan to launch early access in the nearest future. All we need is wishlists if you are interested in our project.
Off to one side. And glued to the outside border of the way.
Then i googled for it -
It is a remote location in the mountains. It is acceptable for these areas, the locals to not mind much about perfection of public property.
If you put too nice signs, last model cars, perfect bus stops, washed and clean trucks, you will damage the dark ambient and will get some candy hollywood ambient like this one -
Everything is perfect here. Not suited for your game.
A more serious problem can be seen here -
This can not possibly work in real life. It is normal for a worker to paint a road sign off to one side. Because he was living his last days in the infected area. He was planing to flee the town. He was depressed and demotivated to do his job well. It fits the ambient. But impossible bridges are fault of the developer.
You could make them move like if they were floating. Then it would look like one of the abnormalities of the area.
I understand it is a lot of work to make a bridge. And i understand you probably have limited budget. But some of the small details are important. Instead of spending one day fixing all the signs, spend that day adding more solid bases to the bridges.
I could keep searching for problems, but i will not do it. Because i guess is it a matter of budged.
(If it takes you no effort at all, you still could center the letter of some signs. But if it takes you much time, you have more important things to solve first in that time, like bases for the bridges)
In the game footage, one could put their arm out the window and lose a hand. The signs in the images you posted are at least 3 times as far from the white line. Holy hell, the WV sign is 12 foot away and on the other side of a guard rail.
๐๐๐๐๐<โThe tone posse, ready for action.
EmilAbbasov said: And about the signs - we don't live in Europe, so our signs are really far from perfection. They are reflecting our reality
It makes sense if you want to make people feel more like being in a specific area of the world. I noticed how you placed the setup in a specific country, not in a completely invented fictitious place.
In most of the countries, the capitals look very different than the province. If i wanted to make people feel like they are walking through my own country, i would put holes on the roads, packs of stray dogs and rust everywhere. Not gonna tell you which my country is. Packs of stray dogs attacking random citizens on the streets is the emblem of my people.
You could want to represent the reality of a place or could invent a completely new fictitious place(you might try to lie about a place. Some top selling AAA games are nothing more than propaganda. Their main intention is political, not to create a gameplay). If you go for a real place, inevitably somebody would feel offended. It is your own choice. As a creator you are free to choose what to do.