
Top-down roguelite vehicle brawler looking for Lead Artist and Composer!

Started by April 26, 2021 09:58 AM
2 comments, last by Fluury 3 years, 9 months ago

Wanted: Lead Artist and Composer.

Lead artist would need to deal with everything ranging from vehicle/character design, animation, a bit of world building to background art. Essentially the role Paul Veer took in the development of Nuclear Throne, if you are familiar.

Composer is needed for roughly 8-9 tracks of under 90~ seconds length.

NOTE: Composer spot has been taken.


Pay: Revenue Share



The game being worked on is called REDLINE CROOKS and is a unique top-down roguelite vehicle brawler. You escape the Law in a high-adrenaline vehicle chase while letting nothing stop you, whether that be cops, bandits, bullets or walls. With 9 characters that throw, slice and rocket jump through the game assisted by 120+ upgrades, the game has quite a lot to speak for it!


The project has been in solo development for roughly a year now. It's current state is "practically gameplay content complete".

90% of the content and systems planned for it are done, however it lacks all art and audio assets, which is why I need your help!



- Email:

- Discord: Fluury#3018


Extra Notes:

- If you want to dive into the deepest details of the game, please refer to this pitch doc I had prepared earlier this year for publishers:

Click me!

- No Deadline. I aim for a release Q1 next year, though.


Here are some small gameplay clips with glorious placeholder assets:



Hey, I'm a musician looking for experience composing for games. Did you have a specific genre/style in mind?


@Lazybone Bandit Hey, thanks for showing interest.
Unfortunately the Composer position has already been taken. I have updated the post to reflect that. Sorry!


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