
How would people on here feel about a major collaboration

Started by April 25, 2021 08:58 PM
1 comment, last by HandcraftedGames 3 years, 9 months ago

To give you a little insight on me I am about to start a college dual major, game design and game development (basically everything from the story and graphics to the coding) I plan on starting on a designing one or more games while I develop my skills, I wanted to know how would you all would feel about collaborating in the future on a huge project, no big companies just fellow gamers/designers who have various skills and inputs all unique, coming together to make something huge. Imagine it different perspectives from all over the world, different ideas and cultures we could implement into one huge game. Does this sound like something that could be possible?


Trip_Nero said:
coming together to make something huge

I see a lot of people coming together here, but on small projects. Huge always sounds unrealistic outside of AAA industry.
So think you should reduce your vision to the bare minimum at first, show some work done already, plan with smallest team possible, etc. The more doable the project seems, the more likely you get people on board, i guess.


@Trip_Nero One problem with huge indie projects is that many serious developers are afraid to work on them. I guess that's understandable. My project is on the huge side, and that's an understatement. You can always find people who want to “write” or “manage”. These things can be valuable, but the problem is that most people that offer these services are doing so because they want to get in on something and they have no other skills. Let's face it everyone can write to some extent, and a lot of people think they can manage whether they can or can't.

Does this sound like something that could be possible?

I suppose anything is possible but I've come to learn it's a hard sell. . On the up side I get the impression that the vast majority of indie projects don't really go far if and when they do get finished. IMHO doing something challenging has a better chance of making a dent assuming it gets completed.

@TripHero I can tell for sure the trade off between large projects < - > small projects is as @Gnollrunner already said: smaller are more likely to get finished but with much less success rate in terms of publishing or revenue whereas larger and more ambitious projects are much harder to finish but if they get to a playable point they do go well.

Getting some people to collaborate on a project works the same: the larger a project the harder it gets to find someone. And if you find someone you want him/her to be as consistent and driven as you which is unlikely. This sort of people just start doing things instead of waiting for others to do the first step.

I have published already two games on mobile stores and it went well during development but the publishing is always a pain.

But this time I want to do it the other way around: I will try to actually collect some community around the project I want to create and blog about it while doing it. And if it gets gradually some traction I will adjust the project as community gives feedback. You can find this try here

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