
Looking for a dev to help with a personal project

Started by April 25, 2021 06:08 PM
15 comments, last by boxcomet 3 years, 10 months ago

I literally just made this account and I want some help from a developer to make something for fun. I have no deadline and you can help whenever. I'm more of an artist than a dev because code is boring to me. If you want my portfolio I'll link it here. What I want to make is a little 2d platformer that's kinda like sonic but….ok it's kinda just a sonic game with a character of mine. It'll be posted on newgrounds and most likely will remain there. If you want, my discord is Box Comet#2544

Should us programmers be insulted by you finding coding boring? Lol


@JumblyApps Is it not?

Writing code is some kind of art as well. A good programmer is also a creative writer

@Shaarigan Didn't say it wasn't art, it just bores me.

When you offer collaborations to strangers, try to show them you are a doer, not a talker.
Talk is cheap. If you create the full animations for the main character, how he runs, dodges, jumps an walks, i think people would take you more seriously.

Every day i read in the comment sections of YT dozens of kids who talk like - “i will become the richer person in the universe and then buy laser vision and other superpowers.”

People will ignore you here and there over the internet and nobody could never tell you the reason. And you need to know the reason in order to mature - show people you are a doer. As an extra, this way you will learn by yourself and in practice how time consuming it is to create something good. Then you will understand better why most of people would not collaborate - it is a lot of work to do. You need to share some of the effort. It is immature to ask people to do the work for you.

Google for “sonic sprites” in google images. If you do all that huge amount of work and if it looks good, i am sure people would code the mechanics of a platformer for you.

Lets reduce the work you has to do - just draw one of the various animation sequences that are needed. Then show it to people and if it is good, i am sure somebody will collaborate with you by writing the code while you finish drawing the rest of animation sequences.


Shaarigan said:
Writing code is some kind of art as well. A good programmer is also a creative writer

IMO: coding is skill, but not art. Skill ≠ art, although it should be necessary.

boxcomet said:
it just bores me.

Tried easy tools like GameMaker? (I did not, but can make good 2D games without coding.)

There are other forms of visual scripting too, e.g. blueprints in UE4 (which i did not try myself either.)

Then you could contribute to fan games, e.g. making Sprites and Tilesets for Super Mario X (has good community content, but is not Sonic. IDK if there are Sonic fan games.)

I second the advise you should practice pixel art first. It's very different from drawing, and it's hard to get right.

JoeJ said:
IMO: coding is skill, but not art. Skill ≠ art, although it should be necessary.

IMO coding is art. Most of the time the code looks like ass. But occasionally(rarely happens) a piece of code looks like art. The easiest thing to find on my disks and copy paste here is this piece in ASM - 

bt RSI, 62
db 72h, 01h    ;jc short 01h
dec DI

The pointer makes an illegal jump into the middle of an instruction in order to self-modify the code without actually modifying the code. It modifies the interpretation of the code instead modifying the code. Pure art IMO.

A solution could be art too. IMO encryption solutions are often art. Bob can give you the password to give it to Alice. And then Alice will ask you to send to Bob her secret nudes, then Bob will ask you to send Alice his secret nudes. And you can not see the nudes. Even though you took the password, you read it, then you took all the nudes, you looked at them…. but you understood nothing. Not even having the password they used(it is an initial password) and having read every single byte of their whole conversation will allow you see their precious nudes. You was invited to be the man in the middle, but you seen no nude. Imagine China and Russia using the mail-box of NSA to exchange secret messages. Ultimate trolling..

IMO engineering stuff can be art too.

In the case we live in a Matrix, wouldn't you define the software/hardware of the machine that emulates our universe to be a piece of art?

NikiTo said:
In the case we live in a Matrix, wouldn't you define the software/hardware of the machine that emulates our universe to be a piece of art?

No. Would you call god a form of art?

It's simple: Games are no art, because they have a function. Art has no function, but a message / expression.

Code is never art, no matter how elegant, efficient, or cryptic it is. Because it has a function: It solves a problem.

JoeJ said:
No. Would you call god a form of art?

Interesting question - he was not created by nobody. So, can something that was never created by no means, in no way possible, it simply always existed, be considered art?….
But in case we live in a Matrix, i would call the creator of the Matrix an artist.

JoeJ said:
It's simple: Games are no art, because they have a function. Art has no function, but a message / expression. Code is never art, no matter how elegant, efficient, or cryptic it is. Because it has a function: It solves a problem.

It depends from the eyes you use to look.
You say this solves a problem, i say it is art(time in the link) -

It depends of you. That piece of machinery provokes in me the very same emotions i feel when i look at life-like carved statues. It inspires me. It gives me the musa to create my own crazy watch now.

IMO engineering could even surpass art. It is pointlessly overdone, it creates emotions inside the observer, it inspires the observer to start creating. And as an extra, it solves a problem too.

That watch there is pointlessly over-complicated. Any plastic digital watch for 2$ would do the very same job - tell you the time. But they overcomplicated it for the sole reason of art.

Are you feeling inspired to code when you read some paper that tells you something like - “our technique makes fluid simulation 500 times faster”. Does it make you want to code? Does it inspire you to implement this code as part of your program? Is this rush pointless like art - pointless to spend one year more to make fluid simulation 500 times faster. What teachers in schools tell you - "don't overoptimize, the boss will buy more computers rather than hiring more programmers to write awesome code."

You spent many years coding for a project…. for what? You could have used Houdini/Unreal instead. The most enginerical and logical thing to do. Why are you illogical writing code? You are coding moved by art-ish reasons now. To make your app good you spent years. Illogical. Just start a marketing campaign and sell a regular program already. And i always try to reinvent something? It is super illogical. The most logical thing is to use products others already did. Not reinvent. There are CV solutions already, i could install some of them and run it. Why i am spending years to improve these solutions? It is illogical.

Van Gogh created a lot of products only to die super poor. And he was moved partially by his psychological issues. I am a Van Gogh who optimizes too much because of issues. Creating pieces of art not moved by money.

The moment you start to make something too good, more good than it is needed, that process becomes art too.

I would say art requires sacrifice too, but not mandatory, because some musicians or painters can create superior art while in the bathroom. Without effort. Sacrifice gives art extra value.

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