
[CODENAME: Mystery Babylon] Call for C# Programmers and Concept Artists

Started by April 15, 2021 10:35 PM
1 comment, last by Ben Arceneaux 3 years, 10 months ago

Codename: Mystery Babylon

Devlogs: FEUniverse | Tigsource

If you're lazy, here's some highlights:

​What's been done so far

Non-combat map exploration

Dialogue text engine

Group Behavior for AI

UI Redesign

Day/Night Cycle

Upcoming features include:

Level Editor expansions in Unity Inspector

AI remains a large WIP

Non-map exploration is still in the works -- currently working on scene-to-scene & room transitions

More UI Incoming

For more detailed breakdowns, you can check our Trello

How We Work

Unity Collaborate



That's about it.

C# & Unity Programmers

Making my final call for programmers on this project. I currently have two contractors working with me on a paid basis, but if there's any good programmers with experience and most importantly, the will and drive to make the time commitment to this project -- we'd be glad to have you.

In my past posts, I've onboarded a few programmers on the basis of revshare and it doesn't work out with a project of this scale. However, let me clear – this is a REVENUE SHARE opportunity.

There is a lot going on in our codebase and I haven't found the a moment of respite to write code documentation or even a mega detailed GDD (since my brain is the GDD, but this is not the best approach long-term in a team-oriented environment), but it's a high priority for me.

The ideal engineer would enjoy debugging (lol, yeah right) and prying into seeing how things work with breakpoints, but most importantly, simply communicate and ask questions.

This is more for a relatively experienced programmer whose built a few projects in Unity, looking to ship a game.

For an idea of what you'd work on, I'd monitor our public Trello board.

Concept Artists

I am working on fleshing out our narrative and I would also like to get good art for our upcoming Kickstarter and Steam Store page.

Even aside from that, I imagine I will use great architectural concept art in-game during cutscenes, like so:

If you're interested in being a concept artist on this more medieval rated M+ theme, send me your past work! ArtStation, dA, so on.

That about wraps it up, our game is getting closer to a strong alpha which is projected by June 15th!

I figure I'd offer anyone last seats on the rocket.

I definitely understand the general theme of projects here tends to be aimed at learning or game jam level scoped projects, but if you've been around a while and want a more advanced project that will reach the finish line -- I think it's a good fit for you!

Experienced developer with free time right here.

Ben Arceneaux - Software Engineer --------------------------------------------------- Email: Github:

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