
How do I make a game that will make people burst into tears

Started by March 14, 2021 05:20 AM
24 comments, last by SuperVGA 3 years, 3 months ago

@undefined I think that doesn't work due to everyone having a different story in life, I want my game for all to cry to. But it's a good idea ?


@undefined Thats the point, when the girl goes for the charms, the mother gets sad because the rest of the family died cause of the journey. So when the girl goes the mother has a mental breakdown.



What if the player of your game doesn't cry ? what happens then ? What if the player ‘s mum cheated on the dad?! What if the player’s mum is a drug addict who refused rehab and wilfully deteriorated her relationship with her daughter ? how is playing your game going to make such a player cry? What if the player of your game now lives in dad's custody? What if the player of your game feels apathy and resentment for the mother and wishes her dead?

@undefined The dad died dude


that's making things even worse, because that's making the player hate the mum even more because If the mother was not a drug addict and the dad died then at least the player could have been with the mother, but now the player wants the mother dead twice over

@undefined The dad did it volunteraly and the mother was actually against it



@Infinite_Studios Kill one of the main characters. (One Piece killed ace)

then someone apears and take his grandma and finaly the theif was her dad

@Infinite_Studios You need to tell the story in a particular way, so the player will not know everything from the beginning. F.e. split it in different timelines in a way, that only at the end some important things will come clear or just tell the story backwards, a classic move, but the result depends on how interesting and dramatic the story is itself. There is one thing, which also works, but it is hard to interpretate; you need to make the characters realistic enough, in terms of behaviour, actions a.s.o like the developers of Metro Exodus did.

Good music.

The games that gave me feels all had great sound tracks and music to match the mood of the games.

The way FFIX uses the same melody over the course of the game at different tempos and with different instruments is great.

The Lisa series does the same thing but just with the tempo and pitch of songs.

Anyway, good music can evoke all kinds of emotion.

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