
Looking for voodoo drivers

Started by January 27, 2000 02:46 AM
1 comment, last by Gandalf 25 years, 1 month ago
Hey, I have bougth a voodoo1 card for a low price. Now I must find the drivers for the card. dosn´t seem to have any. Mayby the card is to old. If someone have the Driver Kit or know were on the web I can find it, I bee very grateful. Thanks/ Gandalf the White
Gandalf the Black
Well, since 3Dfx bought out STB, they started making their own cards, but before that, they only sold their chips to other companies who used them for their cards. These are the sites you''ll need to go to for drivers.

You need to take the card and try to find out who makes it. The two most popular companies were Diamond Multimedia and Creative Labs. You also really need to find out which kind it is as well.

creative didn''t make a voodoo1 board

here ya go...3dfx voodoo1 reference drivers for Win95/98:

if your board is another voodoo or you wanted nt or linux drivers... you can find them all @

Carl "trixter"[][/email]

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