I'm getting to the point I need scripting for my C++ game/library. Someone on reddit recommended Angelscript to me. I gather it uses reference counting which in general I like. However my game library currently has it's own reference counting/smart-pointer system. So I'm wondering is it possible to easily merge my stuff with Angelscript?
I'm not adverse to making some changes to my code, but it has some specialized heap to heap half sized relative addressing pointers, and object bucketing that I don't want to mess with, so going to a different heap altogether is out of the question. As far as my use of Angelscript will go, I would only need to reference top level objects which use more standard reference counting pointers. These aren't double sized like std::shared_ptr, since my objects have an intrusive reference count.
I'm not looking for detailed instructions on how to do it, just some idea if Angelscript will in general support this kind of thing. Thanks in advance.