
Offering free Sound Design

Started by February 26, 2021 03:21 PM
3 comments, last by TiberiuJ 3 years, 11 months ago

Hi everyone,

I'm a music producer and sound artist with 7+ years of experience and a couple of relevant degrees.

I've always been interested in getting into sound design for games and would be really happy to collaborate with someone on something for free in exchange for being able to showcase the game on my portfolio.

I'm flexible when it comes to genre but do enjoy electro and glitchy electronics the most, if that's of interest to anyone.

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Hi Gregory,

I am currently working on a mobile game in Unity, targeted at the mobile platforms. This will be a 3D and more complex version of this game that I've already published some time ago on the appstore:

I am interested in a collaboration with you regarding the sound design/music. Let me know what you think!




Hi Tiberiu,

Sounds interesting! Do you have some links to some videos? I'm an android user so can't look at that app.



Hi Gregory,

Here is a link to the gameplay of the game currently on the appstore:

As I was saying, the new version (G-Ump 2) that is in development right now may have a different style, depending on the artist input, but it will follow this core gameplay.

Looking forward to hear from you,


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