
Exciting game needs more then 8 lights.

Started by December 14, 2001 06:59 PM
9 comments, last by RELOAD 23 years, 2 months ago
I am more or less creating a Jedi game that is going to use high specular lighting to simulate a glowing saber but also had the idea of placing a moving light inside the hilt of the saber using attenuation to simulate the glow. How would i do this if opengl only allows for 8 lights in a scene. Maybe just use 1 light per room with high specular attributes? Please reply thank you. WHO DID YOU EXPECT...? MAYBE SATIN!!!
Original post by RELOAD
How would i do this if opengl only allows for 8 lights in a scene. Maybe just use 1 light per room with high specular attributes?

OpenGL allows more, it''s just that your hardware isn''t required to support more. My advise is you use either:
  • A custom lighting system.
  • Only use the 8 (or less) lights closest to each object when rendering it, you''ll probably not even see the difference.

    [Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!]
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    Use lightmaps!!!
    yeah man. just switch off lights in the scene that wont affect the model. More than 8 lights affecting the same model looks so messy that it''s not funny
    Original post by djdynamic
    Use lightmaps!!!

    Lightmaps isn''t great when you need dynamic lightning... it''s good for fixed lights.

    RELOAD: Maybe you should build your own light system. The system should check for distance ( if the light is too far don''t render it ), collision ( if the light is behind a wall, again don''t render ) etc... You might find it easy to link this system with an BSP system...

    Just giving my 2 cents...
    Have a good day

    Yoshy - From The Bobs
    Why not use projected textures for the lightning.
    That''s what iam gonna use in my engine.
    a good idea is to disable lights which can''t be seen in the scene (no pun intended)
    Check my reply to this post:

    And next time please search the forums before posting.
    its not 8 lights per scene, but 8 lights per polygon. It all depends on how you code it.
    www.EberKain.comThere it is, Television, Look Listen Kneel Pray.
    I agree projected textures if you''re trying to get the effect of many spotlights, but otherwise just use the top 8 lights.

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