
Original Music

Started by February 02, 2021 10:08 PM
3 comments, last by nsmadsen 3 years, 10 months ago


Here is a sample of wht I´m doing in music. Looking for feedback.

Hello! Thanks for sharing your work. Here's some basic feedback on Victory in the Field:

Your guitar patch (perhaps it's mandolin, kinda hard to tell to be honest) is too loud in the mix. I would push it further back in the mix and bring up the flutes as they're an interesting part. Could you do a bit more shaping of the nice cello line at the beginning? I don't know what samples you're using but if they support mod, expression and other CC data - then use that to your benefit. It will make it sound more real. Even a volume automation that gives that melodic line more shape with add more polish and realism.

Really nice build up at 27 seconds! I liked that quite a bit. The overall structure of the piece feels rushed to me. While I do hear the elements you're carrying over, the transition at 43 could be better prepped. And the ending felt abrupt too. Some ways to prep endings is by having longer timpani and cymbal swells into new sections. Even held notes that crescendo. Not every transition needs to be prepped. But it will help guild your listener if at least some of your transitions are prepped. The one you did at 27 seconds is really nice.

Overall the mix is pretty dry and there's not a sense of space across all of the samples. Some samples sound like they're really far away while others sound very close. I believe this is due to some mix/volume issues as well as inconsistent production on the effects. I also feel like your overall mix lacks impact and low end. Work on ways to beef that up so your percussion and lower instruments can really help bring the impact and polish level of your production.

You have some REALLY cool ideas though! Keep at it. Definitely a talented person! Best of luck! Hope that helps!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX


Oh man!

Thanks a lot for your feedback. First of all, I really apreciate for you to take the time for listening. I will certainly take your comments and get to work to improve my work. It definitely helps what you say for this are concrete issues I have to work on to achieve a better work. I´ve been creating music for years, (mostly rock music) but just started to play with several other contexts. The way you criticize me is the best practice and the way to encourage to move forward for others. So, thanks again.

If I may, I want to share with you other piece that I think is better produced:

I used better samples and took more time to produce it. It´s a weird mix of regional mexican music, hard rock and high energy. Also, any comment is greatly appreciated!

I will go to check your site and listen to your music also.


For sure - you're most welcome. I'll listen to more of your stuff later on and give more feedback.



Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

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