
Game art style definition

Started by August 18, 2020 03:01 PM
1 comment, last by LorenzoGatti 4 years, 4 months ago

Hi Everyone,

Currently I AM writing my game design document. I have a basic Idea of the style I would like to use but I AM not quote sure in how to describe this graphics style.

Basically I would like the game to have the same style as job simulator / vacation simulator. Personally I think this style is called: Low Poly but I would like to also define some attributes like:

  • Shading (flat / smooth)
  • Shadows (soft / hard / Nine)
  • Textures: (Complex / Simpele / Vertel Colors)
  • Lightning (not sure how to define this).

I personally think the style is defined as:

  • Shading: smooth
  • Shadows: hard
  • Textures: Vertex Colors
  • Lightning: ???

Any help with defining this style would be greatly appriciated.

Kind regards,


Describe the graphics style with examples: pictures from existing games and from your concept art.

Save yourself and your artist fruitless discussions about vague, relative and subjective descriptions, for example whether a shadow is “hard” (it depends on light sources), or a texture is “complex” (it depends on what it is intended to represent)

Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

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