Hi, guys!
I want to use AngelScript in my Windows kernelmode framework to get easy and convenient access to native system functions.
What I really need is dynamic functions importing that are absent in compile-time.
For example, I got a raw native address and want to call it using funcdefs (or something else if it possible in other ways).
How could I achieve this?
For example I have an attempt with something like this:
uint64_t getKernelProcAddress(const std::string& str)
RtlInitAnsiString(&ansi, str.c_str());
NTSTATUS status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&name, &ansi, TRUE);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status))
return 0;
void* addr = MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(&name);
return reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(addr);
CScriptAny* registerNative(uint64_t engine, const std::string& prototype, uint64_t address)
asIScriptEngine* e = reinterpret_cast<asIScriptEngine*>(engine);
int res = e->RegisterGlobalFunction(prototype.c_str(), asFUNCTION(address), asCALL_STDCALL);
assert(res >= 0);
asIScriptFunction* func = mod->GetGlobalFunctionByDecl(prototype.c_str());
CScriptAny* any = new CScriptAny(e);
any->Store(func, func->GetTypeId());
// ^ Asserts here with message 'index < length' in as_scriptengine.cpp:4449 (WIP-2.35 2020/07/17)
return any;
void test()
res = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("any @registerNative(uint64, const string &in, uint64)", asFUNCTION(registerNative), asCALL_STDCALL);
assert(res >= 0);
res = engine->RegisterGlobalFunction("uint64 getKernelProcAddress(const string &in)", asFUNCTION(getKernelProcAddress), asCALL_STDCALL);
assert(res >= 0);
const char script[] =
"funcdef uint64 FnGetEprocess();\n"
"uint64 main(uint64 engine)\n"
" uint64 addr = getKernelProcAddress('PsGetCurrentProcess');\n"
" any func = registerNative(engine, 'uint64 PsGetCurrentProcess()', addr);\n"
" FnGetEprocess @getEprocess;\n"
" func.retrieve(@getEprocess);\n"
" uint64 eprocess = getEprocess();\n"
" return eprocess;\n"
... Running this script ...
So, is it possible to do something like this?