Hey all - I'm not really sure this is the right forum but I just wanted to post a little platformer I started working on and get some feedback on direction. I've posted a few videos on youtube showing progress (link above) - I built the engine so most of them are simple and related to getting things like collision / physics working. The most recent gives a very rough idea of how jumping / shooting mechanics will work. Art / sound is still incoming, I haven't really come up with a decent theme and I'm a one person team that really only knows how to write code.
As for gameplay I'm sort of thinking Doom Eternal meets a modern day platformer. As in, I think it'd be fun to have the skill based shooting injected into a platformer. Ideally, the player would have a variety of weapons and skills that they must strategically switch between through the course of a battle. Between fights the player would explore / progress forward in the world.
My questions are -
- What are the sort of mehanics / gameplay elements do you think are important for a game of this genre?
- Are there any games of this genre that specifically stick out to anyone? For me - I really enjoyed Ori / Risk of Rain / Hollow Knight / Celeste. None of them really provide that shoot'em'up I'm aiming for (other than Risk of Rain) so curious what you all have played.
- Where are some good places to solicit feedback along the way? I'm curious if it's worth releasing small demos as I go and what value that has brought you all.