
PLEASE NEED HELP! - Infection - Story of Survival

Started by June 22, 2020 11:14 AM
2 comments, last by SerhiiPuchkov 4 years, 8 months ago

Hello. I apologize in advance for my English and for taking your time.

My name is Sergey Puchkov, I live in the city of Nikopol, Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk region. I am very embarrassed and ashamed, but I have to turn to society for help. The fact is that my mother some time ago died of oncology. For three and a half years I was near her, trying to alleviate the pain and despair. In Ukraine, medicine is not in the best shape, but because it was just a delay of the inevitable.

I tried to make it easier for her, but I also suffered - due to the almost complete lack of sleep (I slept up to two hours a day), I received amnesia and huge memory problems. The troubles did not end there - in our country quarantine and huge problems with finding a job and opportunities to live were introduced.
Some time ago I created a small game in RPGMaker MV, posted it on Google Play and try to sell, which doesn’t work out very well.

I repeat, it’s inconvenient for me to ask, but the application costs a minimum, and they say “From the world on a thread - a beggar is a shirt”. If you have such an opportunity - buy an application, this will help me move on and further fulfill my dream - to become a developer of mobile games. I apologize in advance for spending your time.

Link -

Hi Sergey!
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Finishing a game despite all of that is a great achievement and you can be proud of yourself!

I'm not into premium mobile sales practices, but there are some noticeable things on your product page that may be harming the first impression. Actually though, instead of reading my thoughts, head over here and check out the material this Gentleman called Chris is offering for free:

My 2 cents (again, I'm no expert on any of this):

Pricepoint: It might be working against you. Not sure if anything below 1 Euro / GBP / Dollar is regarded as a premium title, nor that going below it has any impact on sales.

Icon: It looks very simplistic. Does not convey production value or theme well. I'd try out a bunch of different ones and see what sticks.

First Screenshot: The fonts, the diagonal split, the scaled up pixel art… none of this is selling your game well. Screen 3, 4, and 5 look much better. If you don't have the budget to improve on the first image, and you can't get help for free here, I'd say just remove the additional layers and show us only the background.

Intro Text: Action words and brevity are key! You have them all there, just need to bring them to the front.

  • Survive…
  • Fight…
  • Manage…
  • Immerse yourself…

Features: You play 2 groups of survivors? Is this the USP? Not 100% sure of the meaning of these two bullet points:

“- new setting in the framework of the old engine;”
Do you mean something like “Classic gameplay in a new setting”?

“- variability of passage.”
Do you mean something like “Non-linear campaign? / Multiple endings?”

Missing: I personally would have been more likely to buy this if I knew the following…

  • Expected playtime?
  • Action or tactical combat?
  • Roughly how deep are the item and skill systems?
  • Do I create my own character(s)?

Reviews: No clue how this is done, but you need some. I'm not suggesting to buy them from some review-vendor, but to get at least a handful of reviews from friends to get the ball rolling.

Take care and good luck!



@1ArmedScissor Thank you so much for your kind words and help. You pointed me to the minuses of the design of my page and I am very grateful to you! I have already started working on improving the page and creating an update for the game. Thanks again.

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