
Newbie Question for Oculus Quest Unity Developers

Started by June 08, 2020 05:27 AM
0 comments, last by EBZ 4 years, 7 months ago

I've got a few beginner question(s) regarding the Oculus Unity Integration package. I'll go ahead and list them below. Btw, I'm trying to only focus on the Oculus Quest and take advantage of their avatars and other features, that's why I'm so interested in the official Oculus integration package.

  1. Is there any YouTube channel, website, or even courses that teach VR Unity development using the official Oculus Integration package?

    I found a few of them like: Valem, Mr.Pineapple Studio, Dilmer Valecillos, Frontend Fanatics. All of them are great but either some of their tutorials are broken since the SDK changed, or they suddenly switch to the Unity XR Package. I'd like to stick to the Oculus Integration package.
  2. Let's say I want the player to grab a sword, what's the best way to make sure the sword offsets so I'm grabbing onto the sword handle? Is there a way I can put a gameObject on the grip and use its Transform to make my hands grab on to the sword handle area?
  3. I tried the Oculus First Contact demo and it's amazing. How did they manage to get the hands to wrap around each grabbable object so well? For example if I pick up a toy car, it actually wraps my hands around the object in the correct way. But when I grab an object in my game, I pick it up but the hand goes through or has a weird offset. When it goes through it seems to be using the origin of the gameObject (center).
  4. What's the best way to avoid grabbable gameObjects from flying around when I put one gameObject on top of another. I'm noticing it happens when I make the object go through another while grabbing it. What's the best practice to avoid this? I'm using Unity's RigidBody component for the physics.

    Thanks for reading this, hope it all makes sense!

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